Thursday, May 21, 2009

Forget the manual!

My partner Jenn got a new laptop recently, and, in the course of quickly typing a newsletter article, she accidentally hit a combination of keys that rendered the keyboard incapable of producing the symbols above the number keys. She called me in for tech support.

Not having encountered this before, I went to the Windows Help manual, and searched the index with logical terms that seemed appropriate to the situation. After much reading, use of new keywords, skimming and scanning, I was no closer to a solution. I went to the HP Laptop Help manual, and searched the index with logical terms that seemed appropriate to the situation. After much reading, use of new keywords, skimming and scanning, I was no closer to a solution.

I went online, entered the same keywords, and immediately found a user-based help forum in which others had encountered the same problem, and offered the solution: I used a learning network to quickly and efficiently get the knowledge that I needed.

Time wasted searching corporate manuals: 20 minutes. Time well spent in seeking a Web 2.0 solution: 20 seconds. Now that's the power of the two-way, read-write web!

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