Monday, February 2, 2009

Shift Happens: Update!

If you haven't seen the update to Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod's "Did You Know" Shift Happens video, check it out here.  Incorporate it into your classroom: have students watch & blog their responses individually, then foster some group discussion (online or face-to-face) and have them re-blog any changes to their thoughts as a result.  Caution: this video may change your world view and / or make you a more informed individual.

If your Board blocks YouTube access, get around it by using  When done converting, create a public awareness campaign to change Board policies: the learning potential denied students by such filtering is becoming greater each day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Recently a small group advocated against filtering (which is under consideration) at our local board office to a group of decision-makers.

I wasn't sure how it would go, as there were some pro-filtering folks in the room, but with some different arguments we found (see link below) ...

... and thanks to some remarkable persuasion from some in the group (including a secondary administrator who represented all high school principals and wanted no censorship), it seems like we have staved off filtering for now.